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Solano Community College

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Why Apply to TRIO SSS-STEM Program?

The TRIO Program aims to help
The TRIO SSS-STEM Program is designed to provide support to eligible community college students who are majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields or those who are pursuing fields in Prehealth. Students in these fields will attain support for their STEM courses to help them excel academically and complete their educational goals.

Our program maintains a TRIO counselor on-staff who assists with helping students choose classes through an individual education plan and keeps students on-track towards attaining their degrees and certificates or transferring at Solano and/or transferring to a university.

Academic Support
Seasoned STEM students who work in the TRIO SSS-STEM Program provide academic support for newer students in their classes and provide good role-models for succeeding generations of TRIO Students.

Photo:  Student Coaching Study Groups
The TRIO SSS-STEM Program attracts students who aim to work hard to improve or maintain their grades in STEM classes. Students are encouraged to work with each other early in their educational pursuits, which provides for them a supportive STEM network throughout their community college education.