Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.

Scholarship Fundraiser

The Academic Senate of Solano College currently awards one scholarship per year. We are looking to increase our funding from a current balance of approximately $6,000 to a total of $10,000 in order to increase the amount of the scholarship from $300 to 500. If we are able to raise these funds, the Academic Senate will commit to supporting a second scholarship of $500 each year out of our annual budget.

We need your help! Please consider a donation of any amount to allow more students like Andrea (see her story below) to receive our scholarship. Please click on the "Donate Now" button, download the form, and return it to Erin Duane at Thank you!

Recipient Profile: Andrea Solís Olguín, 2021 Academic Senate Scholarship Recipient

My name is Andrea Solis Olguin.  I am an international student from Mexico, pursuing a Bachelor's of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

After graduating from high school in 2017, I originally took a GAP year simply because I wasn’t sure of what I wanted to study. Deciding to go back to school and embark on a STEM education path has been challenging in every sense of the word not just academically, but mentally and financially. I applied to the Academic Senate Scholarship not knowing if I would be a recipient, but I decided to apply hoping I could take additional courses over the spring semester.

This scholarship has helped me tremendously. I was able to enroll in additional courses during this Spring term. Most of the engineering and STEM courses tend to be on the larger side when it comes to credits hours and so there are some limitations when it comes to deciding how many and which classes I am able to take each term. Being an international student comes with sacrifices and limitations when it comes to school, financial aid, and bureaucratic procedures. But scholarships like this one give me the flexibility I need to stay on track without adding more stress to my family’s finances.

This spring, I am taking all STEM courses, which I love! I am on track to complete my Engineering and Mathematics Associate’s a semester earlier than what I had originally planned and I am starting to look at 4-year schools to transfer to in the fall, all of which is very exciting to me.

I am very thankful to the Academic Senate for making scholarships like this one available to students like me who are often overlooked when it comes to financial aid. I hope that scholarships like this one continue to provide the support other students need to accomplish their academic goals.
