Solano Community College

CTE Transitions Program

Career & Technical Education

Here’s how it works:

  • First, a high school instructor makes a request to have his or her course articulated to a college course and career pathway. That starts the process.
  • Next, SCC faculty meet with the high school instructor to review the high school course’s curriculum to determine if it is equivalent to the college course. Together, they will look at course outlines, core CTE competencies and skill requirements for the career pathway, learning outcomes, the types of textbooks and other material used in the course, ways to measure progress, and the end-of-course assessment.
  • After all these elements have been reviewed and the high school course is determined to be equivalent to the college course, the college and high school faculty members sign an agreement stating that they find the courses to be equivalent.

For high school instructors: A note about the Career and Technology Education Management Application System (CATEMA)

CATEMA is a Web-based management information system designed for high school instructors, now in use by the SCC CTE Transitions Program. CATEMA is easy to use, reduces the paperwork involved, streamlines reporting, and helps ensure that your students receive credit for SCC articulated classes in a timely way. To learn more, contact David Williams, Vice President, Academic Affairs, at