Matriculation Services

Admission & Records





Follow up

In order to enroll in classes at Solano Community College all students must participate in the matriculation process. The matriculation process helps students achieve their educational goals.

Click each step in the matriculation process to learn more.
Application for Admission
SCC evaluates each application in order to assign the necessary resources needed to make sure that each student is prepared for success from the start. This begins when the prospective student completes an application.
You are about to make a lot of decisions that will affect how you'll spend the majority of your time studying at Solano: What major to pursue?, What courses to take?, When to take them?, and What services may be available to you? This orientation is designed to give you all the information you need to make these decisions. Remember, you can always come back to this orientation later in your college career if you have any questions.
Students attending SCC are required to go through the English and Math assessment process. These assessment tests will help to determine which English or Math class is best for you based on your current abilities and will start you on the road to success.

Before you take the math assessment test, you can view Solano Math Guide in order to learn more about the beginning math courses we offer. This site will also allow you to review math topics, which may help you place better on the math assessment.
Counseling / Advising
One of the most important steps for college success is to visit your counselor. Counsleors can provide information regarding transfers, cerftificates & degrees, majors, etc. They can also help you create your Individual Education Plan (IEP) which will outline the courses that you will need to complete your educational goals. You should plan to visit your counselor at least once each semester, and because the Counseling Office if very busy at the beginning and end of every semester, it is best to see a counselor in the middle of each term.
After you've met with your counselor and have a plan for the classes you want to take, then you're ready to register for classes. You can do this online through My Solano. Your registration plan should include a set of course alternatives. It's also a good idea to have the Schedule of Classes with you and know how to read it.
Follow Up
After you have completed your first semester at SCC, it's recommended that you have a follow up meeting with a counselor to review your completed classes and update your IEP. It's a good idea to meet with a counselor at least once every semester to stay on target. Please keep in mind that the Counseling Office is very busy at the beginning and end of every semester. Best times to book a counseling appointment would be in the middle of each semester.