Title: Chemistry Department Meeting
When: 8:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Presenters: Vahid Eskandari and Chemistry Faculty
Description: Discussions regarding Free Textbooks, SLO’s, Lab Manuals, Lead Instructors.
Title: Chemistry Department Meeting
When: 8:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Presenters: Vahid Eskandari and Chemistry Faculty
Description: Discussions regarding Free Textbooks, SLO’s, Lab Manuals, Lead Instructors.
Title: Academic Senate Meeting
When: 9:00 AM – 11:50 PM
Title: The Professional Development System
When: 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Presenter: Michelle Smith
Description: Take a guided tour of our brand new Professional Development System and learn how to register for events, submit optional requests, and much more!
Title: Active Learning & Achievement Gaps
When: 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Presenters: Commodore St. Germain & Others
Description: Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math.
NCBI Pubmed Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32152114/
Title: Smart Classroom Demo
When: 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Presenters: Jose Leal and Robert Nuñez
Description: Interested in learning the fundamentals of how to use Smart Classroom technology while working on-campus? Well, this session is for you. The purpose of this training will teach new and returning users how to operate the New Audio/Video Control System. The new system is much easier to use and provides users with improved features that help transform the students' learning experience. For example, we will cover the basics with how to:
Please note, this will be a recorded session for future training purposes, and we will leave time to answer questions at the end.
Title: Secrets to Improve Student Success
When: 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Presenters: Isabel Anderson, Ann Hefner-Gravink, Melissa Reeve & Brad Paschal
Description: Strategies to improve student success need not be a mystery, even online. Join us as we discuss surveys as ideal tools for easy and frequent check-ins with students. These survey strategies work for both in-person and online learning environments!
Title: MySolano Overview
When: 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Presenter: Tina Abbate
Description: Learn how to use MySolano to access rosters.
Title: Reimagine Campus Safety and Security at SCC
When: 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM
Presenters: Brian Travis, Joe Uchisbha, Bryant Williams, and Amber Wade
Description: As our country slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses and schools will begin the process of reopening again. During this time, Solano Community College will begin an evaluation process to reimagine how the college’s campus safety and security department can effectively deliver just, equitable, compassionate and integrity-driven services. We currently contract with the Solano County Sheriff’s Office but the contract will end this June 30. However, the college and Sheriff’s Office have worked out a month- to-month contract until the college figures out what we would like to do for campus safety and security.
We are seeking input, comments and suggestions regarding this process. Your participation, opinions and feedback will be important to this reimagining campus safety & security process.
Title: Zoom Training
When: 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM
Presenter: Robert Nuñez
Description: The purpose of this workshop will teach users the fundamentals of using Zoom. We will cover several main topics, like how to:
We will also show you how to help yourself - where to find tutorials and information, and who to ask questions when you get stuck. By the end of the session, we hope this information helps expand user's knowledge around Zoom that one can integrate these key concepts into the classroom or during virtual office meetings and training.
Title: Looking Back, Moving Forward
When: 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Presenters: Michelle Smith & Heather Watson-Perez
Description: Remote teaching is hard! But it is not without opportunity. In this session, we use the "DAKI" framework to guide a group activity on what we plan to Drop, Add, Keep, and Improve upon in our courses moving forward.
Title: Integrating Canvas Studio into Your Shell
When: 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Presenter: John D. Perez
Description: An overview of Canvas Studio application. This product is available to assist faculty and students with video capture and captioning. This presentation will demonstrate some of the functions available for faculty to integrate into their Canvas shell.
Title: Academic Senate Meeting with Administrators
When: 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Presenters: LaNae Jaimez, Academic Senate President and Josh Scott, Academic Senate Vice President
Title: The Professional Development System
When: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Presenter: Michelle Smith
Description: Take a guided tour of our brand new Professional Development System and learn how to register for events, submit optional requests, and much more!
Title: Ask a Tech
When: 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Presenters: Kimo Calilan & Others
Description: Join a panel of members of the district IT team to ask whatever questions you have. Tips, how-to’s, using district technology, and overall technology info will be shared. Feel free to email your questions in advance to askatech@solano.edu so we can better prepare answers for your needs.
Title: COVID Workgroup
When: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Presenters: Alison Aubert, Scott Parish & Christie Speck
Description: A presentation from the COVID Campus Workgroup sharing lessons from this past year including what worked, challenges met, and how we can all move forward safely together.
Title: The Evolution of the Minority Coalition – Past, Present, and Future
When: 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM
Presenters: Dr. Karen McCord, PhD, Psychology and Former Instructor, Dr. Ella Tolliver, PhD, Education and Former Instructor & Earl Taylor, Author and Former student
Description: A Meeting of the Minds and More
Title: Updates on OER and Lowering Textbook Costs
When: 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Presenter: Atticus Frey
Description: We will be discussing updated resources for faculty to explore, potentially lowering learning resources costs for their students.
Title: How to build individualized quizzes in Canvas
When: 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Presenter: Erica Beam
Description: Would you like to build quizzes that use different numbers for each student? Attend this intermediate to advanced session and learn how to use the formula option in Canvas quizzes to build robust quiz questions that will support the use of OER and academic integrity.
Title: CCCAAComplianceWorkshop Zoom
When: 3:00-4:50 PM
Presenter: Alison Aubert
Description: Annual CCCAA compliance exam (open book) which is mandatory for all Full time, part time, volunteer athletics staff well as all other departments which interact with Athletics. The exam must be successfully completed prior to the mandatory CCCAA Compliance workshop on Thursday August 12 3-5pm.
At this workshop all coaches, staff members will sign CCCAA Form R2 confirming attendance at workshop and completion of exam. Prior to the Compliance workshop, all coaches and staff will also receive both the 21-22 Solano Athletics Department Policy Manual as well as the Student Athlete manual. Below is also a link to the 21-22 CCCAA Constitution.
Below is the link to the exam
Below link with all instructions especially all new staff members
Below link to 21-22 CCCAA constitution incorporating all new legislation
Title: Humanizing your courses in Canvas: tips and tricks
When: 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Presenter: Erica Beam
Description: This session will cover many ways to increase your presence in Canvas, created a more humanized experience for students and you. Some topics include using the live transcript for Zoom sessions, booking appointments in Canvas, using the new annotation assignment in Canvas, using anonymous feedback in real time, and more!
Title: Convocation for Adjunct Faculty
When: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Hosted by: S/P Esposito-Noy, VP Cooper, AND VP Williams
Description: Join the S/P and VPs for updates on academic affairs, the budget, student services, and more. Michelle Smith provides a brief overview of the new Professional Development system. This is also your chance to share and get all your questions answered!
Presenters: Janene Whitesell, Master of Convocation
Celia Esposito-Noy, Superintendent-President
Vice President of Student Services, Shannon Cooper
Vice President of Finance and Administration
Vice President of Academic Affairs, David Williams
Academic Senate President, LaNae Jaimez
Keynote by Scott Keoni Shigeoka
Scott Keoni Shigeoka (they/them/he/his) is a storyteller, artist and entrepreneur. Their work focuses on bridging social and
political divides, and has been featured in The New York Times and Variety magazine.They previously worked at IDEO, The Washington Post, and co-founded two social enterprises in the U.S. and Europe. Their career has been eclectic: they started an environmental music festival in Iceland, directed a sold out immersive theater show in San Francisco, and have collaborated with David Byrne from the rock band Talking Heads.
They have been awarded fellowships with Fulbright, MTV Networks, and at the Sundance Institute. They also serve as a visiting instructor for design, storytelling and social entrepreneurship courses—most recently at UC Berkeley and the University of Pennsylvania.
Title: Meeting of the Minds
When: 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Presenter: David Williams
Description: VP David Williams hosts trivia for virtual fun and real laughs. Join us!
Title: Update on the Accreditation Midterm Report
When: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Presenters: Accreditation Steering Committee
Description: Join the Accreditation Steering Committee to review the draft of the midterm report including evidence to meet the eight (8) recommendations from the ACCJC.
Title: eLumen: Basic Training to Completing SLO Assessments
When: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Presenter: Andrew Wesley
Description: This will be a training session on how to complete SLO assessments (that are due) in eLumen. In order to facilitate training, please prepare records/results from courses taught in previous semester readily available.
Title: Curriculum Primer
When: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Presenter: Sarah Barsness
Description: All faculty have both the opportunity - and the responsibility - to propose new or revised courses or programs. But the curriculum approval process can be confusing, and even intimidating. Spend an hour learning about the basics of curriculum, including all the whats, hows, and even the whys, of the curriculum process! There will be ample opportunity and time for questions.
When: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Title: Student Services Counseling Retreat
When: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Presenters: Nicholas Cittadino, Kimberly Coulter, Amy Dauffenbach & Rebecca LaCount
Description: Student services retreat that will focus on best practices:
ways to quickly refer students and send information
videos needed
data needed
working out issues of service delivery with other areas of student services
Title: Gentle Chair Yoga & Mindfulness
When: 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Presenter: Dorene Adams MSN, RN, E-RYT 500
Description: Are you interested in learning about ways to help tame your anxiety?Join Dorene Adams, an advanced trained yoga instructor, in a guided meditation and a seated yoga practice. You will need a stable chair (no wheels) and comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely. You will learn how regulation of your breath and mindset can positively impact your health and happiness.You can alter how you feel, you already have the tools. Join Dorene to learn how to use them.
Title: Equitable Hiring Principles and Practices – Part 1
When: 9:00 AM – 10:20 AM
Presenters: Michelle Velasquez Bean, ASCCC Treasurer and Karla Kirk, ASCCC North Representative
Description: As we transform our campuses and work toward becoming antiracist institutions, it is vital to engage in reflection and review of our practices and policies. Let’s normalize courageous conversations about equity-minded hiring practices that support the diversification of our faculty and staff. This presentation will provide equity-minded frameworks and effective practices to meeting the call to action for diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring.
Title: What Students Need: A discussion on race, privilege, and learning
When: 9:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Presenters: Dr. Siri Brown and Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud
Description: This interactive session will address four areas of student need: (1) Belonging, (2) Validation, (3) Support Network, and (4) Cultural affirmation and the ways in which race, privilege and power shape the students' experience and impact student outcomes.
Title: Liquid Syllabus Made Easy!
When: 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Presenter: Erica Beam
Description: Were you interested in creating a liquid syllabus but overwhelmed by Google Sites or HTML? Solano Community College has purchased an institution license for Liquid Syllabus, an easy-to-use liquid syllabus builder meant specifically for this purpose. There are templates and "parts" pre-built. You can also copy and duplicate your syllabi to use for similar courses and from semester to semester.
Title: Connecting With Students: Understanding the Effects of the Global Pandemic in the Classroom
When: 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Presenter: Ann Leber, LMFT
Description: This workshop will focus on trauma-informed practices for the classroom and on campus. It will address the effects of early trauma on learning and behavior. We will explore the Global Pandemic as an additional trauma on students and the educational community. This workshop will provide a better understanding of what trauma is and how it manifests in student behavior and will provide strategies and tools for creating a positive learning environment.
Title: Retreat Yourself
When: 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM
Presenters: Heather Watson-Perez & Lisa Neeley, SESC Co-Chairs
Description: Come spend time with the SESC as we welcome some new shout outs, including Regina Stanback Stroud and the students of the Solano ASSC. Additionally, we will play some fun community building games. We hope you will join us!
Title: Student Conduct: Nuts & Bolts
When: 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Presenter: Shannon Cooper, Vice President of Student Services
Description: This workshop will describe the student discipline process. Practice scenarios will be included.
Title: Academic Success & Tutoring Center (ASTC) We're baaaaaaaaaack!
When: 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Presenter: Lauren Taylor-Hill
Description: As of 30 August 2021, the ASTC is open in room 130 for (masked)face-to-(masked)face support two days per week. Please attend our event to learn what form the ASTC is taking this semester, as well as discuss our hopes for future semesters. You will leave this meeting with the knowledge of several concrete easy-peasy lemon-squeezy ways in which YOU (yes, YOU!) can support the ASTC and our students.
Title: Professional Development System Open House
When: 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Presenter: Michelle Smith
Description: Check out our new Professional Development system, take a look around, ask questions,
and get answers!
Title: Curriculum Committee Meeting
When: 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Presenter: Lisa Abbott
Description: Meeting to discuss activities of the semester and to schedule agendas for upcoming meetings.
Title: Do we love our students enough to change for their success?
When: 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Hosted by the Minority Coalition
Description: John Henry Danley Jr., Ed.D., is an accomplished Senior Executive, thought leader, and author. With 25 years of experience in executive roles, Dr. Danley attributes his success to enabling and empowering others to drive change through leadership, courage, belief, and influence. With his extensive experience and training, he can quickly assess the health of any organization and determine appropriate continuous improvement strategies. His expertise encompasses change management, organizational transformation, building high performance teams, executive coaching and driving organic growth. Dr. Danley’s presentation will help empower others to achieve their significance by creating an inclusive environment.
Title: Equitable Hiring Principles and Practices – Part 2
Job Descriptions Workshop
When: 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Facilitators: Melissa Reeve & Michael Wyly
Title: Creating a Transfer Culture
When: 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
Presenter: Emily Burt
Description: Join the Transfer Center Coordinator for a presentation on the Transfer Center and our services, the state of transfer at Solano, why transfer is an equity issue, and how we can work together as a campus community to help our students successfully transfer.
Title: Constructing Your Liquid Syllabus
When: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Presenter: Dr. Danielle Mirliss
Description: A liquid syllabus is an essential component to humanizing the online learning experience. This workshop will provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to construct a liquid syllabus. We will begin with an overview of the various platforms available to create one including Google Sites, Canvas, and Liquidsyllabus.com. Using their platform of choice, participants will build a liquid syllabus while receiving technical guidance from the presenter and feedback from colleagues.
Title: P.A.C.E. Work Sessions: Advancing the Guided Pathways Framework
When: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Presenters: Melissa Reeve, Kelvin Cheah, Nazia Mostafa, Debra Berrett, & Adam Izqueda, Laura Maghoney
Description: We invite department faculty to join us for an overview of P.A.C.E, the progress so far in implementing this framework, and the goals for the current academic year. Participants will then have time to work with the PACE Coordinators and Counselors to make progress on the work in their own respective areas: mapping course sequences, brainstorming ideas for department web page improvements and online community-building or mini-career-faire-type events, etc., to advance the P.A.C.E. work in each program.
Title: Part-Time Faculty Reimbursement Process
When: 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Presenters: Andrew Wesley & Michelle Smith
Description: Part-time faculty are not required to complete any Flex hours; however, Solano College encourages participation in campus professional development activities and compensates part-time faculty for their participation (Faculty Contract Article 23.2.5). Learn how to earn Flex credit and receive compensation for those hours.
Title: SLO Assessments
When: 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Presenter: Andrew Wesley
Description: This will be a training session on how to complete SLO assessments (that are due) in eLumen. In order to facilitate training, please prepare records/results from courses taught in previous semester readily available.
Title: Professional Development System Open House
When: 5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Presenter: Michelle Smith
Description: Check out our new Professional Development system, take a look around, ask questions, and get answers!