If you are a high school (or adult school) student seeking SCC college credit for an articulated high school or adult school course, follow these steps.
First, complete the online application process for admission to SCC at www.solano.edu. If you need help, contact the college Admissions and Registration Office at 707-864-7171 or admissions@solano.edu. Once you apply, you’ll receive a student identification number. You’ll need this for your classes, so be sure to keep it in a safe place.
Complete your high school or adult school articulated course with a grade of A or B. In addition to the course grade, some articulated courses require that high school students pass an SCC-approved comprehensive examination with a grade of B or better. (For a list of participating Solano County high schools, click here. For a list of Solano County high school courses that qualify as articulated courses, click here.)
How to get college credit - Solano College uses CATEMA, a database system to track student’s progress and grades. Students need to enroll into the CATEMA system. Your instructor will help you enroll into the system.
At the end of the spring semester, your instructor will place your grades for the class and the final exam. Also after the end of the semester, Solano College will award credit based on the instructor’s recommendation. Students should check their “My Solano” site and check their transcripts to verify that they have received credit.
Solano Community College
Office of Admissions and Records, Building 400
4000 Suisun Valley Road
Fairfield, CA 94534-3197