Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.


Canvas Student Guide:  

Canvas Student Guide
Canvas by Instructure banner

Solano Community College instructors use Canvas, a Learning Management System (LMS) platform to deliver assignments, announcements, exams, and other teaching materials to students - both in online and face-to-face courses. Additionally, students can collaborate and communicate with one another using Canvas.

How to Access Canvas

The easiest way for you to access Canvas is to remember the url/link:

For Students:

Canvas Orientation (SCC) : "Learn how to learn" in Canvas using a mini course/orientation created by the SCC Distance Education team

Getting Started with Canvas as a Student : an overview of essential Canvas features (made by Canvas)

Canvas Student Guides : Step-by-step instructions for everything you want or need to know (made by Canvas)

Canvas Video Guides : Sometimes a picture, or video, is worth a thousand words (made by Canvas)

SCC Canvas FAQs

How to Access SCC SSO Canvas Portal : video

How to Access ConferZoom via Canvas for Students! (when using computer & smartphone app) : video

How to Find Peer Review Assignments in Canvas (STUDENT PERSPECTIVE!) : video

Set Up Your ConferZoom in Canvas! : video

Use BREAKOUT ROOMS in Zoom for Virtual Classes - Step-by-Step Walkthrough, Ideas for Implementing : video

Use the SCREEN SHARE feature in ZOOM! : video

Download Zoom:

Get the Canvas app on your phone

canvas app logo

Still Need Help?

There are several ways to get help in Canvas. If the guides (linked above in the "For Students" section) didn't answer your question, you can get help by submitting a request to

Please include your name, the CRN (course number) of a class you need to log in to, and a detailed description of the issue you are having along with information about your technology (ie: what kind of device you're using, etc).


English Success

The documents below provide strategies for English development and success.

Word Counter
Grammar Checker

English Documents
Parentheses The Colon
The Exclamation Point The Period
The Hyphen The Question Mark
The Semicolon Quotation Marks
The Apostrophe The Comma
The Dash, Slash, Ellipses, and Brackets


Math Success

The documents below provide strategies for math development and success.

Math Documents
Basic Number Properties Math Anxiety Help
Math Study Skills Math Test Preparation
Math Tips Math Vocabulary
Measurement Units Roman Numerals
Temperature Scales RQWQCQ Strategy


Study Skills and Strategies for Success

The documents below will help you to develop better study skills and strategies for academic success.

Study Skills and Strategies Documents
Becoming a Flexible Reader Consolidated Notetaking Tips
Consolidated Test Taking Strategies Controlling Procrastination
Evaluating Information Sources Good Listening in Class
Identifying Lecture Styles Improving Concentration
Improving Reading Fluency KWL Chart Study Strategy
Managing Your Study Time Motivating Yourself to Study
Preparing to Study Reading Textbooks
Setting Goals Study Groups
The Ten Study Habits of Successful Students